Kangaskhan - Max attack of 317 and HP of 414. This includes an average speed of 306.
EV Spreads: 252 HP, 252 Attack or 252 Attack 252 Speed. The first spread is defensive and offensive at the same time. However, make sure it doesn't get hit by a strong or stabbed fighting type move because Kangaskhan will be kind of slow. The second spread has speed to get the first hit many times.
Abilities: Early Bird - You sleep less when put to sleep.
Scrappy - Hit ghost types with normal and fighting moves.
DW: Inner Focus - You can't flinch.
Personally, I think scrappy is the best because you get rid if a hindrance, but any ability will do except for Inner Focus.
Good Moves: Return/Crunch/Earthquake/Fire Punch
Double Edge/Outrage/Substitute/Focus Punch
Remember, you don't have to follow this exactly. To look for other moves, go to
www.pokemondb.net, search the pokemon, and scroll down.