Ahh...Girafarig. A pokemon rarely ever used - but overlooked nonetheless.
Abilities - Early Bird- Wake up early when put to lseep
Inner Focus -You can't flinch
DW Sap Sipper - Attack is boosted when hit by a grass move.
I recommend Early Bird, but if you have a swampert or gastrodon, sap sipper will be useful.
Nature - Timid for max speed if you're special attack, jolly if you're physical attacker, modest for max sp attk, adamant for max attack
EVs: 252 Speed/252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed/252 Attack
Noteworthy Moves: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Trick Room, ThunderWave
ParaFlinching Set: ThunderWave, Stomp, Crunch, Earthquake